Noah Halstead
1 min readAug 15, 2020


Cool, Good luck to you, as pointed out in the post, these companies will always be open for a while and then they pack up out of the blue.

Many people online have pointed out that the cost for 5TB of storage (even once they do close) is cheaper than getting a real solution but they pray that they can find a new location backup before any occurrence of data loss.

As far as the speed, it's purely subjective/relative. I've seen a few posts online of people saying it's fast and I've seen double of the opposite. If we are talking 1 meg upload to their servers, that is slow, it's like calling dial-up fast, it's purely subjective/relative.

Lastly, the 1000 GB = 1 TB is technically valid since they are using the Base 10 (aka Decimal) unit measurement while most of the Windows World and most of the Human population uses the Base 2 (aka Binary) representation.



Noah Halstead

Self-taught programmer with proficient skills in PHP, Java, JavaScript, Golang plus misc networking. Check out my Github: